Urgent Respiratory Care: Lung Cancer, Nodules & Bronchoscopy Referrals

This is for health professionals only for the urgent referral of suspected lung cancer or bronchoscopy.

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    Do your patients need urgent evaluation for lung cancer, nodules, or require a bronchoscopy with EBUS?

    At Sydney Respiratory Specialist, we understand the importance of timely diagnosis and intervention for lung conditions.

    • Rapid Evaluation: Reduced wait times for diagnosis and treatment. We prioritise urgent referrals and are seen within 48hours.
    • Expert Care: Access to respiratory specialising in diagnosing and treating lung cancers and other complex respiratory conditions.
    • Advanced Diagnostics: Accurate diagnosis using the latest technology and advanced procedures like EBUS (Endobronchial Ultrasound) and Bronchoscopy, enabling faster and more accurate diagnoses.
    • Personalised Treatment: A tailored treatment plan for optimal results.
    • Reduced Burden: Streamlined care pathway for efficient management.
    • Seamless Communication: We maintain clear and consistent communication with you throughout the referral process. You will receive timely updates on your patient’s condition, diagnosis, and treatment plan.

    Conditions We Manage:

    • Lung Cancer
    • Solitary Pulmonary Nodules
    • Interstitial Lung Disease
    • Emphysema
    • Other Complex Respiratory Conditions

    Referral Process:

    • Referrals can be submitted via the online form or downloadable pdf and send to info@sydneyrespiratoryspecialist.com.au or efax to 02 9475 0435 or call us on 02 9487 8373.
    • We will schedule an appointment with your patient at their earliest convenience, prioritizing their urgency.

    We are committed to providing your patients with the most advanced and compassionate care possible.