CPAP Trial/Mask Fitting

If you were diagnosed with sleep apnoea it is very important that you discuss your treatment options with a sleep physician.

Treatment options can range from:

– Weight loss, referral to a sleep endocrinologist, bariatric surgery
– Positional device
– Mandibular advancement splint and CPAP.
– CPAP or continuous Positive Pressure Ventilation is one mode of therapy and is well tested “Golden treatment” option for sleep apnoea

If your sleep physician recommends CPAP

1. We highly recommend trialling a machine before you purchase to make sure CPAP is the correct treatment option for you.
2. We recommend mask fitting by a senior sleep therapist
When using CPAP mask fitting is very important. Facial structures and preferences vary markedly between patients and getting a proper mask fit by an experienced sleep therapist will make a world of difference to your treatment.
During this trial period continuous support will be given to you online and face to face as required.
3. Perform the CPAP trial with good support
All our machines have online capability and we can monitor your response and troubleshoot without you having to come to the clinic frequently.We encourage you to trial as many masks as possible during this period.
4. Have a look at our CPAP trial journey below.


If you were diagnosed with sleep apnoea it is very important that you discuss your treatment options with a sleep physician.

Treatment options can range from:

– Weight loss, referral to a sleep endocrinologist, bariatric surgery
– Positional device
– Mandibular advancement splint and CPAP.
– CPAP or continuous Positive Pressure Ventilation is one mode of therapy and is well tested “Golden treatment” option for sleep apnoea

If your sleep physician recommends CPAP

1. We highly recommend trialling a machine before you purchase to make sure CPAP is the correct treatment option for you.
2. We recommend mask fitting by a senior sleep therapist
When using CPAP mask fitting is very important. Facial structures and preferences vary markedly between patients and getting a proper mask fit by an experienced sleep therapist will make a world of difference to your treatment.
During this trial period continuous support will be given to you online and face to face as required.
3. Perform the CPAP trial with good support
All our machines have online capability and we can monitor your response and troubleshoot without you having to come to the clinic frequently.We encourage you to trial as many masks as possible during this period.
4. Have a look at our CPAP trial journey below.

Your CPAP Journey

SRS also offers every patient a CPAP trial, to see which machine – and which mask – best suits their needs. Here is an example of what to expect in your CPAP trial.